Curtlo Mountaineer #L.Peace 1992

Teambike from Linda Peace - Cycle World Team / Northrige California

Cycle World / Northrige California 

Teambikes or bikes for special riders didin`t have normal serial# they have the name of the rider as serial #

"The team was a shop team which would make you think it was second rate but that team kicked serious ass back then.

We won tons of races and did well with sponsorships. We were also closely connected to quite a few pro teams and shared rooms with them at races.

It was pretty short lived though since Richard was hot and horny in building the team but soon after got distracted and the team members floated to other teams"

Thx to Cycle World Teammember Sky Boyer (owner of Velocult - Portland) for this informations.

Painted by the legendary "Shades" who did the most of the Curtlo paints at this time

Best combination Action Tec fork & Curtlo  

Frame & stem are unfilled fillet brazed

Hi-E hubs 
